The association Montcornet Remonte Le Temps presents you the historical villages:
Why did you build a historical center in Montcornet?
Montcornet is very marked by its history with the feudal castle which is located on a rocky spur called "Mont Cornu". This castle whose origins are of the XIth century (see leaflet). Its location has been occupied by men since prehistoric times.
Jules Michelet, the great historian of the 19th century, said he found his vocation when he visited the castle, which he described as the "Feudal Coliseum".
The association MAD (Montcornet Today and Tomorrow) has realized for more than 20 years historical and artisanal festivals.
In 2008, the municipality of Montcornet acquired the land of the site which is steeped in history with the chapel Jeanne de Montcornet (also called chapel Marie Madeleine), the presence of ruins of an old mill and the old fishpond of the castle.
The company of the twilight having participated several times in the fires of Saint John had the idea to build a medieval village, but it remained dead letter.
During an event organized at the castle "La forêt enchantée", a small group (Guy and Chantal MONEDIERE, Hervé GOURDET) discussed a project to build 5 villages at different times.
The project is presented in 2011 to the municipality which agrees to launch it with the help of a new association "Montcornet Remonte Le temps" and a scientific committee.
These habitats were built by an integration company "Acacia Construction" according to the results of archaeological excavations carried out in the department, the region, but also in Belgium.
The statue under the hall represents a Gaulish warrior, as he was imagined under the reign of Napoleon III (Sculpture realized by Albino MARTIS member of the association MRLT)
You will discover :
- The Gaulish Village (250-150 BC); Second Iron Age (LA TENE)
- The Gallo-Roman Village (100-200 AD); Gallo-Roman Antiquity (HIGH EMPIRE)
- The Merovingian Village (500-700 AD); Middle Ages (HIGH MIDDLE ERA)
- The Carolingian Village (700-900 AD); Middle Ages (HIGH MIDDLE ERA)
- The Medieval Village (1200-1300 AD); Middle Ages (CLASSICAL MIDDLE ERA).

Gallic village 2nd 3rd before JC :
The Gallic village of Mont Cornu corresponds to the La Tène culture, or Second Iron Age, an archaeological culture that developed in Europe between about 450 and 25 B.C. Considered the apogee of Celtic culture, it succeeded the Hallstatt culture (1,300 to 400 B.C.) and ended with the Roman conquest of Gaul and with the Germanic migrations. .........

Gallo-Roman village 1st and 2nd after JC:
The Gallo-Roman period is represented at Mont Cornu by a village from the 2nd century and the High Empire. At that time the Roman Empire was at its maximum and had between 50 and 80 million inhabitants. With a million inhabitants, Rome was the largest city in the Mediterranean world. The reigns of Trajan and his successor Hadrian (117-138) correspond to the apogee of the Roman Empire. Under the reign of Antoninus the Pious (138-161), a new distinction between honestiores (rich) and humiliores (poor) appeared in the law, the latter being more severely punished for the same fault. Marcus Aurelius (161-180) is known to be a Stoic emperor-philosopher. He spent 15 years on the Danube front fighting against the barbarians.

Merovingian village 5th and 7th AD:
The guided tour of the Merovingian village of Mont Cornu evokes the dynasty that began in 481 with Clovis I, king of the Salian Franks, settled in the region of Tournai, straddling France and Belgium. In 486, Clovis I fought the Roman Syagrius at Soissons (read the Vase of Soissons), he then unified the north and east of Gaul. In 496, he converted to Catholicism and was baptized in Reims by the bishop St Remi. Clovis made Paris his capital and established the Merovingian dynasty. The pagans were then evangelized and many monasteries opened their doors.

Carolingian village 8th and 10th AD:
As we continue our visit to Mont Cornu, how can we not mention Charles Martel who took power in 737. He was a powerful mayor of the palace and repulsed the invasion of the Muslims, then in full expansion phase, in Poitiers in 732. The birth of the States of the Church was under Pepin the Short who was crowned king by the pope. Then came Charlemagne, who after conquering almost all of Eastern Europe was crowned emperor in 800 by Pope Leo III, in Rome, the capital of Christendom. Charlemagne settled in Aachen and set up a powerful organization. The whole empire was divided into counties ruled by counts, who were themselves supervised by missi dominici (today they would be prefects). There were few cities and the population lived mainly from agriculture. The emperor Charlemagne ordered the monasteries to educate the children of the nobility "so that they would pray well to God".

Medieval village 12th 13th AD:
For this medieval village, the period represented at Mont Cornu evokes King Louis IX, known as Saint Louis, who brought the Capetian kingdom to its maximum prestige. A very Catholic king, he ordered the crusades and fought against the Cathars (burning at the stake of Montségur).
During this period we will remember a development in all the fields with spectacular advances in architecture, they are the cathedrals of Reims, Chartres, of the big fairs (fair of Champagne). In the military, trebuchets, crossbows and cannons were used at the end of the 13th century, the Sorbonne University was created, the decimal system was used thanks to Marco Polo's travels, silk was worked on and draperies became more important as well as paper.
In our villages, life is organized around the central square, the communal oven, the market hall, the forge, an indispensable element, and the workshops.
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